Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Interview with Susannah Mcfarlane ( Author of EJ12 Girl Hero Book )

My Interview with Susannah 
Mcfarlane Author of EJ12 

Girl Hero books!


Q1: Why did you become an author?

I've always loved books and writing and I worked as a publisher for many years. I then decided I wanted to write a story for my daughter, Emma - and that was the start of EJ12 Girl Hero!                                                                                                                          Q2: What is your favourite EJ12 book? ( No saying hard to choose!!!!! :) )

I am going to say it! I have different favourites - CHOC SHOCK because I like all the bad jokes, CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN because it is about my family Christmas, HOT & COLD because it is the first one, KIMONO CODE because I have just finished it and it feels like a new friend, PYRAMID PUZZLE because I really like the Egyptian puzzles and booby traps. That's s start!
Q3: When did you start writing EJ12 books?

In 2009
Q4: Who inspires you to write EJ12 books?

At first, it was my daughter Emma but now it is all of the girls who read EJ and write to me.
Q5: How many EJ12 books are you planning to write?

I am not sure, at least 20.
Q6: Where is the next few missions after Kimono Code and Big Brother going to be?

I am still thinking!


  1. Hey Nattasha,
    Love the new domain name, back ground, header and blog button. I always love interviews, I have quite a few with Susannah To. High-Five, great minds think a like. I will put your new blog button on mine. Once again thanks for putting mine on!!!!!!!!

  2. I am so sorry about your blog button! I have tried many times and it says incorrect link

  3. How? Did you copy and pasted it in the html gadget?
    It's ok if you cannot do it!

  4. I copy and pasted the code from the picture box and says incorrect. It's ok, I want to put it on. I'm just not sure how.
